Dan B

I'm Dan Buxton

A Software Engineer currently working at Morgan Stanley with a Masters in Computational Physics from the University of Edinburgh

I have successfully built apps and websites for a number of different projects with a wide range of technologies, such as React/React Native, Svelte and Flutter. These include a logbook app for extreme sports built with Flutter and using Firebase for user authentication, databases and file storage and this portfolio website built with Svelte and Typescript. I have used Python heavily for data analysis, physics simulations and as a Django backend for an AI powered Wikipedia search engine. To make a physics-based modular airship game I learnt Unity and C# and while at university I worked with Java, C and MIPS as well as AWS and Azure.


  • Creativity
  • Organisation
  • Leadership
  • Adaptability
  • Practically-minded
  • Fast learner


  • Java/Typescript [Svelte, React Native, Tailwind]
  • Dart and Flutter
  • C# and Unity
  • Java
  • Python [SciPy, Pandas, MatPlotLib and Django]
  • KDB+ and qSQL
  • SQL and KDB+ with qSQL
  • C, Java and MIPS [Architecture]
  • Windows, Linux and MacOS [Hackintosh]
  • Cloud Computing [Firebase, GCP and AWS]
  • Fusion 360 and [FDM/SLA] 3D Printing
  • Adobe Suite [Photoshop, Illustrator and XD]
  • Electronics [Raspberry Pis and Drones]